WOMEN, who believe and who witness the Resurrection: A Holy Saturday sermon

Trybal Pastor
6 min readApr 1, 2018


Mary, all the women at the Tomb



Indeed, what wondrous love

God has shown

All of us

Only as the Creator,

As Comforter

As Holy Parent


Giving us,

Reuniting us

Once more







And who witnesses this?

Who runs and tells about

The Good News?


And in thinking about,

The diminished


Role of Women in the wider Church

That our prophetic voices are ignored,

Even as


The Holy Spirit



To Speak LIFE,

In thinking about,

Who is our neighbor,

And the asset that they bring

Of their physical selves

Of their spiritual selves

In the midst of a time,

Refashioning what this,

These three days meant,

To a budding Womanist theologian

I’d written some free verse

Expressing perhaps

The exasperation

As Women profess,

What this season means

As perhaps,


What the Women must have felt

Irked with the disbelief of the men,

As they proclaimed

Jesus is Lord


Me, defiant

What does Easter mean to you?

Does it mean that we can finally rest from our labors?

That we celebrate the rising of the Son-

And Monday morning we return doing the same…

Wallowing in..

Dressing the same

Talking the same…

Because we think we saved?

Just because Jesus died,

Don’t mean we can act a fool

Or does this Easter Journey

Find our souls crying out for JOY

Find us caught up in the SPIRIT at the empty tomb

Shouting to the darkness

That its defeated

That there is HOPE

And Jesus ain’t left us

Forgotten us

Forsaken us

But what remains with us

Is HIS Commandment

To LOVE one another

Even when we can’t stand each other

Even when we have to get in one another’s faces

Calling one another out on the injustice

The noise

The racism

The violence

The evil

That we do

Cause we aint perfect

But that’s what the horizon where the veil remains

Beyond that-there is PEACE

Right now,

We got GRACE


Tell the devil to walk on

Into the abyss

Because the CROSS casts a Resurrection Shadow

Basking in the LIGHT

The Blinding LIGHT

OF the



Defiant words,

That could be echoed from any Woman

Who unashamedly basks,

In the love that has been shown

Time and again,

In the lifting up of Women,

Who in turn,

Lift up everyone else

Time and again

This confirmation that God indeed,

Is with us

Time and again

That Jesus is risen

That nothing can keep us,

Not Satan’s manipulation

Not humanity’s oppression


Keeps us


The Light


These women

Some named,


And some forever unnamed,


a soul shattering moment

The heartbeat of the cosmos stopping

The Creator Grieving,

As any of us would,

Having to let go

Of one so beloved,

Especially when their lives are cut off,

Especially when those,

Who are not about following the One,

Who calls us into relationship

And connectedness

And forgiveness,

Thinks that they are the beginning

And the ending.

That they have a say over our lives,

That they think we have no role

In the wider expansion of the world

That they,

Want to make an example

Want to shut liberation down,

Want us

To die.


God’s Son gave of Himself

For all of Creation

And suddenly the hierarchical, oppressive order in this world

Which ruled, and trapped, and chained people,

People who searched and followed and called out for liberation-

This world collapsed

The ideas and lies

That this life is all there would ever be,

That there was no hope,

That God in Godself didn’t care about US

Was destroyed


Reality shifted,

The realization of who Jesus Christ is, was

And remains to be

Became the new norm

Anything and everything that attempted and blocked us

From being with the presence of the Creator God,

Was demolished.

Mass confusion,

Because what God had been proclaiming forever,

Through prophets

Through dreams

Through Jesus

Has come true,

God created a new covenant,

Through Jesus Christ


At the end of Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ

Satan is seen screaming,

Because he’s been denied

Jesus, as his prisoner

The place of Sheol,


Was suddenly invaded,

Pried open

And Jesus Christ walked through those gates

The risen Christ was lifted up out of a place of abandonment

An abyss,

Informing that darkness where light never penetrates

Where evil festers

An existence of torture

That death was not the end,

For God’s Creation

For US beloved

We come from the Creator

Born in sacredness

Gifted with God’s breath of life

Emerging in this world through waters

Therefore we




Therefore we,


And the Cross,


It is a symbol of paradox

From death,


From condemnation

To Restoration!


Hearing this Good News of Jesus Christ year after year

We should shout with joy because we know,

Even in our weeping,

Our lamenting

Our vigil at the foot of the Cross,

We know the morning comes

We know Transformation comes

And it brings with it

The Resurrection

Turning our lives upside down

Because Creator comes and disrupts our lives

With unending LOVE




Or do we just go through the motions,

Because this is what we are supposed to do,

We struggle with the reality of Resurrection power

With so many lives,


For many of us,


Because of our bodies,

Our identities

It seems as if we cannot escape these

Good Friday moments,

Nothing good about it.


So, we grapple with the reality of Resurrection power

Amid calamities

We hear the Gospel proclaimed

Jesus is raised,

But where is He now

Amid tragedies?

Newness of life is impossible

Peace in this life is momentary

In this sacred space perhaps,

we experience the Resurrection

But outside those doors,

The world seems dead!

Dead, unmoving, lifeless, listless

It’s difficult,

Sharing the Good News!

Out of fear, we refuse even to leave those tombs of heartache,

Of worries,

Of fears

Of doubts

The world refuses to leave its tomb,

Because the Resurrection turns its reality upside down,

They are stunned,




But then,

The Sun Shines,

And we hear clearly hear God calling US

Out of the TOMB

Each moment then,
when we RISE
we have the responsibility,
to Advocate
to flip tables
to actively live out
What the Creator created us for

And because of Jesus Christ-

We know death is not the end

We know that the kingdom of God is here,

Right here

Even through the muck, and the garbage and the unbelief

And the sarcastic and scornful reaction

When Women are celebrating,


Speaking prophetically,

Of what they have seen.

Not only do these women run and tell that,

We too,

Especially Women today

My Sistas

We dance in the streets,

Just as those Women,


In Haiti 2 days after the earthquake

On Sunday morning,


Amid the destruction,

Singing praises to Creator.

Especially when we march in the streets,

Against those who would try to drag us into the darkness

Of that Friday


Leading the charge,

Leading the crowds


To those who do not want to believe

To those who slowly realize,

In their hatred

What they have done,

To one so loved.

I imagine those Women

Who were running


That Jesus Christ was raised,

Were saying,

You do realize that the Creator LOVES US, right?
You do realize that Creator STANDS with us,
against your hatred
your violence
your abuse
your falsehoods
your viciousness
your lies

But, keep playing with us

Sunday is coming

You cannot stop our Transformation

You could not stop,




Thanks Be to God!



Trybal Pastor
Trybal Pastor

Written by Trybal Pastor

Child of Creator=Purpose; Guided by Ancestors = Revolution; Empowered by Holy Spirit = Transformation; Liberated through Ancient Spirituality and Ritual =Love.

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