Who is Our Neighbor? Lenten Sermon, and out with the Night Ministry, 3/11/18

Trybal Pastor
6 min readMar 25, 2018


Our new peeps from Appalachian State University and Pastor Amanda

Tuesday night,

The students visiting from

Appalachian State University,

Their Pastor and other leaders

Drove alongside myself

Into the Back of the Yards neighborhood

To serve alongside

The Night Ministry

We served navy bean soup for the soul

And health care packets

For the body

We shared conversation


And even humor.


As we left to return to Augustana

There were, heartfelt questions

“We’ve been out here for an hour,

And I know my feet are cold;

How do they keep warm?

What do they do for heat?

Is this all the help that they get?”


And I had to be honest with them

That although every Sunday,

People fill up pews

Raise their hands in the sanctuary

They are only concerned about saving themselves

Self preservation,

And walk out those glided doors

Ignoring the sin they contribute to

Sin of allowing others to rot with hunger


“What about this neighborhood?”

If you know anything about 54th and Halsted,

It’s a desert.

And I had to tell them

What they are witnessing

Is the result of policies,



Put into motion

So that these bodies

Deemed imperfect

Because of skin,

And language

And status

And disability

Would not have enough means to gain sustainability

Much less wealth

Those bodies,

That place

Are only recognized

By the effects of their failure


By their perceived sloth,

And laziness.

The fight for sustainability in Englewood


You can run on,

For a long time

Run on,

For a long time

Run on

For a long time

Sooner or later

God’s gonna cut you down (repeat)


As commuters travel

Back and forth from Illinois to Indiana,

Via the Skyway,

They can’t help but see the smattering,

Littering the shores of Lake Michigan



Erasing any aspect

Or possibility

Of Creation’s existence

Or reemergence.

One story,

Surrounds a massive mountain of Petco


Petroleum coke

That laid uncovered

Exposing its harmful toxins

To flow over into small pools,

On playgrounds

Dusting the roof of houses

Touching the skin,

Of those who lived,

And even worked

In these industries

Is this supposed to be the new picture of progress???


And the result is that,

The people whom have been affected,

Have been burdened with bronchitis,

Lung cancer


Who battle a sense of hopelessness

And despair

These are the forgotten

Hard working, but steeped in poverty

Penalized because of that poverty

Taken advantage of, by those who are more tied

To the sin of greed

Simply because, sometimes you have to do what you have to do


You may throw a rock, hide your hand

Workin’ in the dark against your fellow man

But sure as God has made the day and the night

What you do in the dark will be brought to light


“For God so loved the world

that he gave his only Son,

so that everyone who believes in him

may not perish

but may have eternal life,”


We hear John 3:16,

We see a scrap of salvation,

We consume it,

But we don’t remain in the spaces,

That are created

To transform us

So that we fight for transformation for all

From death




Odetta Holmes

A Woman of Color,

despised by the dominant culture

for who the Creator has molded and birthed into being,

sings this hymn

and people of her time listened to it

and perhaps thought she was speaking of morals

But I wonder

if they ever listened to her words

and if their soul shook,

because sooner or later

they’d have to answer

Answer for what they had done in the dark

to their fellow human being

How they inverted the Cross to a symbol of hatred and torture

in so that

My Ancestors,

My People







Odetta’s prophetic lament,

Is calling us to task,

Of the collectively responsibility

When we sin




How that reverberates into the atmosphere


We can’t help


The plume of acidic poisonous


And choking

The sacred breath





Maybe that’s why,

There is an absence of crosses

In many of our Churches,

Because looking upon a symbol,

That is an oxymoron,

That has been inverted

From death



That if we look upon the Cross

We are reminded

Not only we




Of the Cross,

That salvation

Is not





It’s so curious,

That people have been



For God

To come quickly,

And save us-

Deliver us,

From our sin

From Sins

We don’t take the ownership,

Of the destruction

That happens

Each moment,

We allow


To nip

And tear

At our collective being


It’s so interesting,

That we come to the Table



For forgiveness,

From the chaos

And violent

Waves of life,

We ignore,

The profane,

That still slithers

And eats away,


Are we surprised,

That Jesus has not returned

Especially when we decide,

Because of an infraction of the law,

Our siblings should pay dearly,

For the rest of their lives

Being stripped of their rights

Or met with death?

That people who live with their bodies,

Can not live authentically

And forced to be something they are not?

Are we surprised,

That we have not experienced

That new heaven,

And new earth,

When we have destroyed the only home we will ever know?


Can I be real for a moment?

And I know that I touched on this earlier,

But this whole conception

Of giving things up for Lent.

An article recently came out

About this whole Lenten practice

The author stated that in a conversation

With another person,

She was told

She must give up something for Lent,

So that God could see her pain,

And honor

And sacrifice.

It should be noted,

That the author,

Is a Woman of Color

And I am sure the Creator sees her sacrifice,



And so the author gives us her insight

“Perhaps this Lenten season will not be about fasting

but giving ourselves permission

to be refueled in the pursuit of joy.

Could it be possible that,

instead of “dying to ourselves”,

we find ways to live

into the abundant life Jesus came to give?”


Hmmm, there’s a thought

We keep claiming Jesus Christ as Lord

We keep proclaiming that we know of His Truth

So instead of always coming to the throne and throwing ourselves

As if life is so unbearable,

We see the Cross

We are filled with the Holy Spirit

We receive the forgiveness


We eradicate ANYTHING

That would cause any of us,

All of us


We see our faults

And confess

And CHANGE this life!


What if,

The Church

As a whole

Gave up

What the Empire has been slithering into

Our sacred spaces?

What if,

We gave up


And the power and domination over bodies

That it gives

What if we confess,

That as a Church

We have been complicit

In slavery

And forced assimilation

Of bodies

That we

As a Church,

Did not do

Have not done

Refuse to publicly denounce

Or twisted God’s word

Into our human theology of weakness


What if,

We confess,

That we are addicted

To weapons,

And to the economic insatiability

That keeps us in thrall

Until we ignore,

The trail of bodies

That we step over

As we laud our guns,

And easily sacrifice our siblings

All in the name of our self preservation


What if we used fasting as a vehicle

To call attention that we consume,

Hoard so much

Instead of giving of ourselves

So that others too, might live?

What if we gave up,


That keeps us

From the LIGHT

Of the Creator God,

Or that we shared what had been given to us,

So that others might live,

And rejoice

Because we can give?

Because we experience the LOVE

That God gives to us?


What if,

We as the Church,







Thanks Be to God.



Trybal Pastor
Trybal Pastor

Written by Trybal Pastor

Child of Creator=Purpose; Guided by Ancestors = Revolution; Empowered by Holy Spirit = Transformation; Liberated through Ancient Spirituality and Ritual =Love.

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