The Sounds of the Reformation
This Sunday many of the Protestant tradition acknowledged the 500th year of the Reformation, as did we at Augustana Lutheran Church in Hyde Park, where Lutheran Campus Ministry has partnership in both of sharing space and sharing the work that Christ has called us into. Along with the parish Pastor of Augustana, we co-preached today. Here are the two excepts from that sermon:
Grace and peace to you,
My sisters, brothers and siblings in Christ
When will we allow ourselves
To experience the Liberation of the Gospel,
In order to live into the radical reformation movement
Because of the One,
Who leaves the path
Meets us where we are,
Frees us from our chains
So that we can run and tell it,
Of the Grace,
And Love
Of Jesus Christ.
When I was in conversation,
With the call committee here at Augustana
One of the questions that was posed to me,
Was whether LCM would welcome in students
Who were agnostic,
Or atheist.
Why wouldn’t we?
What is that singular language
That transcends barriers
As we fight against inequality
And towards the common good
I shared this piece of music,
With our Body and Soul worshiping community this past week
For me,
A sound of Reformation
I’d like to invite you in,
For just a moment
And listen.
These gathered workers
And protestors
Raised their voices
At the end of a funeral mass
Of one of their own
Who was fighting racism,
In the violent chaos
Of the Jim Crow South, segregation
And the shadow of the lynching tree.
This was the song they sang in this church,
Regardless of the origins of their journey
And how they did and maybe perhaps did not connect to the Creator,
But that they were committed to fighting against these sins
This evil
That had permeated our living here, in America
Because they acknowledged the humanity
That was before them,
Sacred bodies sitting next to one another,
Just as we are now
Bonhoeffer says,
“As much as the Christian would like to remain distant from political struggle,
even here the commandment of love
urges the Christian to stand up for his neighbor.
His faith must know whether the dictates of the state
may lead him against his conscience.”
If we are bold enough
Vulnerable enough
To Confess
As collective followers of Christ,
Have failed to live out our responsibility.
We are quick to lift up martyrs
Such as Bonhoeffer
And King
We idolize Jesus Christ
As nothing more than a figurehead
Who was gentle with everyone,
Who taught forgiveness
But we forget that Jesus Christ,
Was angered at the callousness of how we treated one another
How we made sacred spaces,
Nothing more of a place of economic greed and gain
We forget,
That Jesus rebelled against the State
The Empire
And yes,
Even Religious Leaders,
Who were more about serving a god of religious respectability
And because He dared to speak against the status quo,
Rising out of his lower socio-economic status,
We forget,
Jesus Christ was a poor immigrant of Color,
And that today,
Jesus would have been arrested,
Mark Taylor,
In his book
The Executed God
Offers this
“Assemblies of Jesus
followers that effectively challenge the political repression
and existential anguish of today
will be those which work alongside interfaith
and inter-religious communities
and also with secular peoples of conscience.”
If we are not living out our faith
Through ACTION
Why are we surprised
When we are criticized
By those who do not believe
When we,
Through our inaction
Our quietism
Create gaping holes in the Gospel?
The Reformation did not happen
Just 500 years prior
The Reformation HAPPENS NOW
We have to be,
That living witness
That example
That proclamation
Just as The Creator God wrote a new covenant
Upon our hearts,
We in turn
Because of the Gospel,
Must write a new covenant with one another
Of our shared humanity
THAT is how we will build bridges
And raise our voices
In common song.
(Pause, end first section)
Is what is missing,
In our revolutionary fight
Against that which is evil,
In our lamenting,
Against that which wounds us
In our shouting
Against the silence
When we ignore the cries of the marginalized
And oppressed.
Says Dr. Ysaye Barnwell,
Of Sweet Honey in the Rock
Is the missing battle cry,
In our public dissent
Of the evils
That are revealing themselves more and more
And regressing us further back,
Until we end up,
Removing our selves
From the presence
Of the Creator God.
What is our song now, beloved
Of the Reformation?
Will we be bold enough,
To sing the Good News
Or will we just lift up
The demands from the status quo
To tow their party line?
Where do we hear,
That God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble?
What songs will we take with us,
And sing in the streets
So that we become a public presence
Of the Grace,
And the empowering Love
That comes from Christ?
Do we hear it echoed
In Mercy, Mercy Me
Or the Times, they are Changing
Or even in Kendrick Lamar’s
We Gonna Be Alright?
Will we allow the Reformation to be televised,
Or will we allow it to pass right by us,
Like ships in the night?
Wasn’t Jeremiah,
That moment of transformation,
Of Reformation
Between God and God’s people?
These are questions
Of those who are discerning where they even fit
In the wider expression of the Church,
Because they see so much contradiction
They have gathered to write their own 95 thesis,
And nail it to the door
Of the Church
Revolution plus
Reformation equals
Holy Spirit
Be not afraid,
The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress
This here,
Psalm 46
Is a Battle CRY
When mothers sit alongside their newborn babies
In NICU hospital rooms,
And have to be reminded
God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble
When our Latinx siblings
Faced with being thrust from the only country
That they have known,
Stand visible in the streets
Knowing that God stands with the oppressed
Knowing that God gives them shelter
Hearing these words
God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble
When life becomes overwhelming,
When we cannot bear
How this life crumbles and pushes us down,
The Good News is,
We hear in the midst of our weeping
The Creator whispering
“Be still,
and know that I am God.”
The Good News Is,
Even as there is talk of desolation,
Because humanity refuses
To follow what Christ calls us into
Because humanity refuses,
To take up stewardship of what God has given to us
Because of GOD
Wars will cease,
Chaos will end,
And a new community
Will be born, cemented
Without End.
Revolution +
Reformation =
A Holy Spirit explosion
That we must,
As Siblings in Chirst,
As Children of the Most High
Be engaged
And sing out forcefully, until our voices shatter the darkness,
ushering in the Light and,
The Goodness of God.