The Complexity of Forgiveness
(Asking the questions about what the words in our Confession and Forgiveness mean to us, as people of faith. What do they stir in our hearts, and leave that impression that as we ask for forgiveness from the One, who forgives us out of a love we could never comprehend, that we also need to then, extend that love and reconciliation, to those who have wounded us-or do we think that it is foolishness to forgive? Cite the example of the Sikh who forgave the woman who was yelling in his face, because she did not see the mirror reflection of the Creator in his. Cite the example of the Amish, when their community was shattered with violence, that they went to the home of the wife of the shooter, and extended that grace and peace that seemed so foolish, but yet, was a call and command as people of faith, to be foolish in those heart wrenching moments.)
This is going to be
One of those sermons,
Where the only thing
That the Good News
Of Jesus Christ
Points us towards,
Reminds us
That no matter what we have done,
We are always
When we mock Jesus
Is one of those tricky concepts in life
Where we have not quite mastered
As humanity.
Does not flow as freely
From deep within our very being.
It is our pride,
Our honor which crowds that space,
Sacred space deep within
Where the Creator first
Poured life,
And those seeds
Seeds of Grace,
That should transfer into our open hands,
As we embrace this collective identity
And truth,
That indeed we come from
Isn’t that what we are confessing?
When we gather as people of faith,
And say,
That we are captive to sin,
Which has the potential
To separate us from one another,
If another member of the church
Sins against me,
How often shall I forgive?”
Is counter-cultural because
When someone breaks a vow,
A Trust
When someone deliberately
Does not honor an agreement
Stand by their word,
The situation,
Must be rectified
And when they refuse to respond,
Out of their selfishness
As simple as cutting off a switch
We cut them out of our lives.
Who have you not forgiven?
Now that I have officially been installed,
Are stuck with me,
And my weirdness
A bit of trivia
About your Campus Pastor,
My favorite type of genre,
Is Japanese anime
The Crunchyroll app,
Is on my phone,
I watch this,
More than I do
Whatever “regular” TV is.
For me,
Anime indeed has evolved
From the days of me watching
Robotech and Captain Harlock,
And recently I have been intrigued
By the theological theme,
Of the absence of forgiveness
The subject of revenge,
And the consequence of it all,
Through an anime series called
Hell Girl.
It centers around human emotion
And reaction
To what happens when,
Because we are bullied,
Being perceived weak by others
Whether it is because of our gender,
Or the broken relationships within our family
Or that achieving and cementing our place
At the top of the food chain,
Means pushing others,
Down into the dust,
Our outrage,
Our pride sullied,
Our spirit shattered,
We must have compensation
For our pain,
Our sorrow
These are not simple cases either.
These are rather most horrific situations
that people find themselves in,
To where
The question of forgiveness
At this point,
Is moot.
When these actors have reached their limit,
In the anime,
They log onto this website,
And type the name of the one who has offended them
Hell Girl,
As she is called,
Then appears
She hands them a straw doll with a red string,
Telling them
That if they want revenge,
By pulling the red string,
They send that person,
To hell.
There is a price,
Enacting vengeance upon one person,
Means that they too,
Have damned their own soul
To hell,
When their life is over.
If another member of the church
Sins against me,
How often shall I forgive?”
That seems to be unjust,
And even as they demand of Hell Girl of answers,
She cannot comment
Or pass judgement.
What is this conveying to us?
That the idea of justice is fleeting to us in this life?
That it is not up to us?
That we truly should lean upon the one,
Who forgives
Because we are God’s children?
That the responsibility
Of making the determination
Of whether we are worthy
Or not
Even those who hurt us,
Can this be Good News,
To an entire Nation of Peoples,
Whose Ancestors were mocked,
Sacredness of land
And stolen from them?
Can this be Good News
To Mothers,
Who because simply their children spoke out,
Called out
Government officials for neglecting their duties
To protect,
To secure equality
Whether it was socio-economics
Or political
Or educational
For all people,
And instead,
Those voices of protest
Have gone missing
And silent.
How can this be
Good News,
That we must forgive
And not squeeze our reparations
Out of the very hands,
That sometimes attempts,
To deny us
Our humanity
Our rights
Our ability to breathe?
How can it be
Good News,
When you tell
An oppressed people
That they must forgive
Their oppressors
Simply because
The truth
About how we treat one another
Is too unbearable
Is too uncomfortable
And the road into accountability
Is too long,
And too harsh?
If another member of the church
Sins against me,
WHY are you telling me,
I have to forgive?”
There is this deeper rooted missing piece
Of this question posed to Jesus,
About forgiveness?
Because it’s the norm, right?
We are told we must forgive
So that we are not carrying the weight
Of bitterness within us.
So many Scriptures
About how we are to forgive,
And not to react,
Are two different things.
In these words,
Does Jesus say,
We should not express
Or experience
The human emotion
Of anger.
Jesus Himself
Got angry,
When the temple
Was corrupted
And polluted
With economic greed.
And yet,
I wonder,
Did Jesus forgive them,
in their human foolishness?
Does Jesus forgive us,
In our own foolishness?
What if,
We were foolish enough
To actually live out Jubliee
As understood here,
In these sacred words?
What if our system of justice
Was not so imbalanced
In that even for those who digress the laws
Instead of enacting punishment,
Devoid of anything that would mirror
Jesus’s calling out to the Creator,
Father forgive them,
For they know not
What they do,
What if
Instead of concentrating on vengeance,
We focused on radical transformation,
Of broken lives,
Both theirs
And ours?
What if,
Instead of our collective humanity,
That we punished and ridiculed
Our fellow sisters, brothers and siblings
In Christ
In Faith
Especially when they cannot rise out of
The systemic issues that bar all people
From living whole and sustainable lives
So they have to rely on,
Loans for education
To afford life saving medical procedures
Food stamps,
So that they have the strength,
To continue their life’s journey?
What if,
We practiced
The same foolish,
Life saving
As Jesus taught us,
Because Forgiveness
Is the Kingdom
Thanks Be to God