Practicing What we Preach? Or are We? A Sermon in the midst of a lot of false prophets

Trybal Pastor
6 min readAug 20, 2017


Grace and Peace to you,

My sisters, brothers and siblings in Christ

“The spirit of the Lord God is upon us,

because the Lord has anointed all of us

Through the waters of Baptism

Through the sign of the Cross

Through Jesus’s ultimate gift

So therefore our Call now more than ever;

Is to bring good news to the oppressed,

to bind up the brokenhearted,

to proclaim liberty to the captives,

and release to the prisoners”



Joan Osborne’s,

“What if God Was one of US?”

Caused quite the controversy

When the song debuted in the mid-1990s

Because of the questions that it posed,

And if we as followers of Christ

Understand and are rooted in the fact,

That Jesus indeed came among us

To live with us

And experience every aspect of humanity

Alongside us,

Then Joan’s song should have provoked

Deeper theological and spiritual conversations

But instead,

People were angry

Especially by the lyrics in the chorus

“Just a slob like one of us

Just a stranger on the bus

Trying to make his way home”


And yet,

This morning

We are faced with some uncomfortable truths,

And the Words

That come from Jesus’s lips

Just as,

We as humanity

Can no longer ignore

The hatred that comes

From humanity’s collective lips






White Supremacy,




Having apathy,

For those who are hurting




Living into shame

Not doing,


For those who are oppressed,

Simply because of how God Created Them,

And using the LAW,

To back up our excuses,

Leads to a disconnect

And the fragmented relationships

That seem to be acceptable by our society


That indeed,

Is the elephant in the room,

In this sacred space,

That we,

As beloved Children of the Creator God

Wrestle with

Because of what is continually unfolding before us,

Out in the wider expression of the community,

What is our call,

Our purpose,

What do we do,

As followers of the One,

Who calls us into the Light,

Who gives us new Life?


Practicing what we preach,

It’s a mantra that many of us cling to-

But it is hard for us to execute,

Because sometimes

We, as humanity

Are influenced

And blinded

Led astray,

By what ultimately consumes us,

Especially that which does not come from God.

Practicing what we preach,

Was an accusation laid at the feet

Of Christianity,

When I attended several #BLM marches

And Police Brutality actions,

Especially from young people of color,

Angered of having to now hold memories

Of those who had perished

At the hands,

Of officers who reacted out of fear.

“Practice what you preach,

You-you pastors and ministers,

Otherwise what comes out of your mouth,

Are nothing more than lies,

And we cannot trust you,

Because you will not publicly put yourselves on the line,

Against hate.”

Standing in a crowd of other Seminarians and Clergy figures,

In my clerical

Hearing this

Was uncomfortable.

What do I do?

But this was indeed valid-

Because if we as followers of Christ believe

Jesus’s commandment,

Of Loving One Another

Calls us to actually DO LOVE

And not just lip service,

Then we would indeed

Be practicing what we preach.

And this is so needed right now,

Because there is too much preaching,

And not enough practicing.

There is too much condemning

And not enough accompanying

There is too much quietism,

And not enough activism.

That means,

Being uncomfortable,

So that the Holy Spirit can root even deeper within us,

Transforming us,

So that we are bold enough

To do the work that Jesus left for us

To be good stewards of one another’s lives.



Along the way,

We as People of Faith,

Have to deal with the ugly cracks,

Especially as Christians,

Because many

Are not practicing what is being preached.

There are ugly cracks,

That we can no longer ignore,

That are eroding the foundation

And no amount of duct tape,

Or paint

Is going to make anything new again

We cannot hide it anymore

This is unfortunately what has happened,

So amplified so, in the past week-

If we claim as Christians,

That we follow Jesus,

Then we must do what He calls us to do.


Sometimes that is difficult, right?

Even Jesus had that difficulty,


It’s uncomfortable to think about,


Making a mistake

“What if God was One of Us?”

And Jesus indeed was one of us,

Lived like us

Weaved into community,

Just as we do

And was influenced and exposed

To prejudices



Just like we have.


That’s uncomfortable isn’t it, right?

Jesus is perfect!

Jesus would not let the world,

Which was imperfect

Defile Him


But He did.

Jesus contradicts Himself

In our Gospel this morning

Because Jesus is teaching His disciples,

About the dangers

Of allowing the world to influence them

Allowing humanity’s judgement of one another



Affecting relationship

To the point where

They would be blinded

And deaf

To the needs

Of those Gentiles,


Who were struggling as much as they were

That they too were from the Creator God

Whether they knew them

Or not.



Is teaching us something important

That simply because we are

Of African Descent,

Or Native

Or struggling with Bipolar

Or have ADHD

Or that we identify


Or that we call God Allah

Or Great Spirit

These are things that make us wholly unique

And wholly the Creator’s

Because our bodies,

Our lives



What defiles us,


Is hatred

Is Greed

Is Apathy

Is Violence

What defiles us,

Is when we allow the world

To take root,

Where only the Holy Spirit

And God’s Love

Should reside.

And yes,

Even Jesus would be impacted by this.


If we believe that Jesus Christ,

Came to live among us

As us,

Then the racism that existed

Between those who were “God’s Chosen People”

And the Gentiles-

Those who did not believe in what the Israelites believed

Or followed the traditions

Or could boast of the lineage from the line of David,


Hearing the stories

Being taught the stereotypes

More than likely,

Jesus experienced all of this.

And we witness this contradiction,

When an unknown woman,

An indigenous Canaanite woman

Falls at Jesus’s feet

For Mercy

And what does He say?

“I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

Are we shocked?

Are we confused?

Jesus rejecting one who cries out for mercy?

Rejecting her simply because

Of her ethnicity

Her Tribe

And how she worships God.

That is uncomfortable for us to witness

Even though,

Sometimes we as People of Faith,

Reject others

Refuse to help others

Refuse to advocate for our neighbors

Based on

Their race,

Their culture

Their religion

Their disability

Because we misinterpret

Sacred texts

Because we forget,

Humanity writes rules and laws


Without any grace extended.

That is the elephant in the room,



Just as those women before her:




Just as those women before us,

Dorothy Day,

Rosa Parks

Sojourner Truth




“Yes, Lord,

yet even the dogs eat the crumbs

that fall from their masters’ table.”


All this indigenous and unknown woman wanted

Was Mercy,

And Peace!

She wanted to know,

That God indeed

Stood with the oppressed and afflicted

Regardless of the systemic hatred she knew she would face,

That she was not of the House of Israel

She is even of another FAITH,


That the Creator gave life to all of US,

And that God’s Love,

Is vast,

Surpassing anything we can fathom


She also recognizes that through Jesus,

The Son of God

God indeed does heal,

Will never forget us

Always forgives us

Even when we falter

Even if we are rooted in faith-

We are HUMAN,


Isn’t it Good News,

That Jesus Christ was sent here,

To be just like one of us?

So that Jesus,

Because of the Creator God,

Could, and does

Heal US.

And the Good News is,

Sometimes we will experience the Gospel

Through other people

Other faiths

So that,

It breaks down what the world has been force-feeding us.


A respected Elder in this Church,

Rev. Kenneth Wheeler,

posted his very thoughful and prophetic thoughts o

on Facebook.

In his devotion, he stated

that we as followers of Jesus Christ,

have to struggle

with the fact that those who would consider us,

because we are seen as the “other”

Those who would prefer that who we are,


because of the systemic racist ideologies that they cling to,

They too,

have come from God.

That’s extremely difficult to swallow,

because we are right in our righteous anger,

But we also have to be that VOICE

To stand up against,

as we work towards peace.

Knowing that,

Thanks be to God,

It is the Creator, and the Risen One,

And the Holy Spirit

that has the power to transform

the evil which has settled in their very being.

But our job?

IS to continue to live out our call,

working towards mercy, justice,

and peace.

Thanks Be to God



Trybal Pastor
Trybal Pastor

Written by Trybal Pastor

Child of Creator=Purpose; Guided by Ancestors = Revolution; Empowered by Holy Spirit = Transformation; Liberated through Ancient Spirituality and Ritual =Love.

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