Power through the Water, through the Blood, through New Life: An Advent sermon

Trybal Pastor
6 min readDec 25, 2017


Grace and Peace to you,

My sisters, brothers and siblings in Christ

Because of God’s sacred and loving breath

Given as a gift, so that we might live

We must remember then,

We were created for a powerful purpose

In this life

Even when we don’t appear so powerful

Then again,

Neither did He

The babe, the birth in whom we are all waiting

The one whom His Power will transform us, forever

Jesus Christ, the Coming Savior and Lord



It is among the vulnerable,

Where the restorative power to effect change

And speak the power of the Gospel

Into the streets

At the boardroom bargaining tables

In judicial courtrooms

And in legislative chambers


It is among the least of these,

Where powerful change is birthed


Humanity gets so disconnected from one another

Making decisions


That fulfill nothing

Of what Emmanuel, who is to come

Commands us,

Challenges us

Calls us to do.


For the past couple of years on Twitter,

I’ve been a part of a group called,


Every Thursday night,

This interfaith group of

Faith leaders,

Spiritual discerners

Gathers in a virtual sacred space

A place where many of us treasure to be

When we need to lament,

When we need to express anger

When we need to affirm our humanity

When we need to find safety,

Every Thursday night,

We have a conversation,

About systemic issues

That affect the places we are called to serve,

Or the communities we cling to.

This past Thursday,

It was my turn to moderate,

And I raised a question,

That for me,

Has always been the elephant in the room

Why are we,

As people of Faith

Afraid to display

And enact the POWER

To effect change in the places we reside

And the places that we are called

To engage stewardship of one another,

And of Creation?


Seems to be a strange question to be posing to the faithful

In this 4th Sunday of Advent,

So close to that night

When all was still

All was dark

Except for that one, bright and Holy Light

That would bring the world

To its knees

To witness

To honor

The birth

Of the One,

Whose very presence

Shatters the lies

That this world attempts to force into us

Through its powers of persuasion,


And Tyranny.


But in reading

Both for academic focus and research

As well as practical application

To the work I have been called to,

I came across an article

That addressed the mass exodus

That is happening everywhere,

Of people seemingly leaving the Church

But the context of this article

Centered on young African Descent millennials.

Among their concerns was this,

For us, there is a longing to see

the church of the Civil Rights

and Black Power Movements;

the church that was not afraid to position itself

at the front lines to fight

against systemic oppression.”


Then Mary said,

“Here I am,

The servant of the Lord

Let it be with me

According to your word.”



A woman,


Of lower class,

Visited by angels

Told that she carries


Within her was


A power that had not been truly realized

Because this babe,

Had the POWER

To restore those who had been hunted down

Cast out

Pushed away



God with us,

Would be born

Not in the high places




Because it restores us

Reminds us

God has not forgotten.


Why are we,

So fearful sometimes

Of displaying our POWER

A power of





Forgetting that we,

Are the Body of Christ

Or perhaps


Don’t think we have any power

That our humanity is flawed

That our social location doesn’t matter

That we don’t have access

To real power

Human made power


Created because of this gnawing desire

to dominate

Because we as humanity

are afraid of not having power

Or that we can’t rely on God’s Power

because we can’t feel it

or manipulate it to our will.


So instead,

humanity turns to known examples of power

Of Wealth


Where powerful people

Immersed in greed

Decide that those on the outskirts,

The outcasts

That their humanity

Means nothing.

So then

Are we willing

To tap into that power

That is

Christ’s grace?


Are we willing,

To take a powerful stance

Embrace those on the margins-

The undocumented

The refugee

Those who are fleeing a life of terror

Of Emptiness

Of certain Death

Taking them into our communities

Sharing of ourselves

Bringing them,

Through Love,

The Love that was taught and shown to us

So powerful,

So that they can experience





It’s so hilarious,

That people of Faith speak of Mary

We revere Mary

We uphold Mary

As a Saint,

As this Powerful figure

Because she was chosen

To give BIRTH

To the Restorative POWER

That gives us HOPE


We are quick to ignore

Those in our midst,





We are quick to count them out

Disregard them

Belittle them

Point out their sin,

Without pointing out that

The systemic and broken systems that we have created,

No access to prenatal care

Canceling wellness and health care for children

Crumbling infrastructure in many communities

Which have been erased off maps,

So that the local governments and corporations

Don’t have to acknowledge that these people exist

So they are not responsible to uphold laws and regulations

That call for equal access to education

That each child has a chance

To explore and be mesmerized by what is out there,

To learn and explore.


So, who knows what the children

That so many Marys’ carry within them

Will blossom into-

Simply because they are not born into a known lineage

Or privilege

Or a place of power.


But Mary,

Even though I am sure,

Just like all of us

Facing uncertainty

Fearful about what is to come

Bewildered with the choices before us,

When we,


Through Angels

In prayers

Echoed in the voices of those who love us

Manifesting through silence,

We recognize

That there is nothing we cannot do,

Because the Creator God,

Is lending US GOD’S POWER!

Is working through US


Then Mary said,

“Here I am,

The servant of the Lord

Let it be with me

According to your word.”


Mary was able to gather strength,

Because of the presence

Of the Angel,

To carry out her task

To carry something so precious

Do we realize,

That the transformation of this world

The hope of this world

Came from the womb

Of Woman!

That change comes,

Because of a Woman

That Life is nurtured

Life starts

Within Women.



Answering the call,

Being the example,

To live into our POWER.

Where are we empowered, beloved?

What empowers us,

To go out

And live out our purpose,

That the Creator God,

Molds into our hearts?



Washed over in Water

And the Word

Where we are affirmed,

That we are not alone


At the table

Where time and again,

The Crucified One that is to come,

Will call us to consume,

To be bonded

Through His sacrifice

His body,

His blood

His Life!



what is your power?

In these times when we flock to movie theaters are dream,

What is your power?

There is power here at Augustana!

Because we live into those moments of stewardship

We are living into the power that the Creator grants us,

because we know

and we wait

and we rejoice!

Christ is coming!

Thanks be to God.



Trybal Pastor
Trybal Pastor

Written by Trybal Pastor

Child of Creator=Purpose; Guided by Ancestors = Revolution; Empowered by Holy Spirit = Transformation; Liberated through Ancient Spirituality and Ritual =Love.

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