Planting Seeds as I travel: Final Sermon at Redeemer
This past Sunday was the end bittersweet, of a weekend filled with a celebration of a life and goodbyes, and celebrating Life and the journey which continues. This was also the final sermon and Sunday for myself as Pastor for Redeemer Lutheran in South Holland, as I navigate a new path as Campus Pastor for Lutheran Campus Ministries @ Augustana Lutheran for University of Chicago later this summer.
Grace and Peace to you,
My sisters and brothers in Christ
Will we allow ourselves,
To be open to the descending Holy Spirit
Washing over us,
Nurturing us,
This soil within our souls
So, that we are transformed
From the seeds that the Creator plants within us
Into the witness,
And the example
Of the Beloved Community,
Living out what Jesus Christ,
Calls us into
Loving one another.
The seeds that the Creator God,
Casts upon this earth,
And into us, beloved
Does appear wasteful
As if God carelessly throws them out,
Where it falls into ground that many would consider
But see,
That is where God’s grace
Is abundant!
Because the seeds of God’s
Needs to be spread throughout all of Creation,
And embedded into each one of us
Reaching into our spirit
With purpose
So yes, sometimes,
It takes a minute
For those seeds
To be rooted
Transforming us
Every since we planted our garden,
Invested all that hard work,
Attended to
We are surprised with the results!
My flowers along our deck continually blossoming
And attracting pollinators.
The rows of flowers alongside our house must be a hearty kind,
Because the sandy soil only produced troubling weeds
But each time these flowers blossomed,
They came back
Producing much beauty.
Even in the small vegetable bed
We’ve reaped the rewards
Of Bok Choy,
And Peppers.
How indeed does our garden grow!
I’ve been frustrated
And grumbling
Over the shady, stretch of earth
That we had to repeatedly turn over
Strip it of all weeds
Fill it with new earth
And fertilizer
And seeds,
That promised to flourish wildflowers
And I am so impatient
Waiting for them to grow
And wondering perhaps,
If we had cleaned everything out
That had the potential
To choke out the new life
If this piece of earth,
Will never yield
Anything good?
I wonder too,
Does the Creator
Peer down into our hearts
With frustration,
And wonder
What else can be poured into us,
What else can be poured into Creation
If the seeds planted within us
Are stagnant,
Are struggling to thrive
Because perhaps,
We, beloved
We are besieged
With everything around, us
Not always fostering encouragement and development
To allow the faith,
And the love within us
Can we,
My sisters and brothers in Christ,
Can we work to change
That “soil” within us?
Because these words
In Matthew
Are not about the other “soil”
That’s no good,
It’s about US.
For Jesus’s commandment
Of loving one another
As God loves us,
To work,
When we reject this commandment
Being uncomfortable with what that means,
Its not a surface term
It roots itself deep within our very being
That we should journey with one another,
That is the only way we, as people of Faith
As humanity, will survive.
Why do we,
As people of Faith
Say no,
To the One
Who calls us from our tombs
And the abysses we have created
Why do we turn away from the nurturing Light
And the flow of the Holy Spirit
And from Jesus Christ,
Is that hard to hear?
As followers of Jesus Christ,
We cannot fathom why someone would turn away from this Good News!
Then again,
When Jesus calls us into relationship with those we don’t know
Or to be public witnesses
Fighting against injustice and hatred,
For people we don’t know,
But who are suffering
When Jesus calls us to stand with those
Who have been regulated to lepers
To suppress our incorrect assumptions about who they are as people
Or whom they choose to love
Or how they choose to worship God
Receiving the Word of God,
Is NOT a passive act
THAT is what Jesus was conveying to His disciples
And to us, beloved
It is rooted in a commitment
That sticks to the very heart of who we are,
And guides us
Propels us
Molds us
Helps us to withstand the onslaught
Of wanting to remain with the status quo
Of the temptation of holding onto the temporary
Of simply remaining dominant
As if breathing,
Is all the Creator created us to do.
Receiving the Word of God,
Provokes action,
Being fed at the Table,
Provokes action,
Being filled with the Spirit
Provokes action,
God did not plant seeds within us,
So we would merely be one dimensional
Jesus did not just tell these parables
To the disciples,
Merely so they would just spout rhetoric
Planting seeds,
Speaking life,
Living out faith
Is perpetual motion-
Because what blooms
What blossoms
What grows and is birthed into life
Serves a PUPROSE.
“Let anyone who has ears, LISTEN!”
What is God saying to you?
Have we heard God’s Word,
Allowed it to settle with in us,
Just as the seeds are buried in the soil,
When God’s Word makes no sense to us?
“Let anyone who has ears, LISTEN!”
It’s hard to hear God’s Word,
Especially when the static of the world,
Drowns out the significance
Of what we are called to do,
Questions our actions
When it goes against
What the world defines as
Common sense,
Things such as
Forgiving one another,
Working towards peace with one another
Despite the division
That our human laws have created
Enacting mercy for one another,
Because we allow the layers of hatred to dissolve,
To see the Christ in one another,
Loving one another,
Because in the end,
That is what the Good News instills
And flows from within us,
From our faith.
This is the fruit that is produced,
Because we have allowed
The word of God,
To metamorphose US.
We said goodbye,
As a family
To my cousin,
And at the cemetery,
There are a number of family members resting there
That also seems to be where,
Many people speak of planting flowers
On the sacred ground where our loved ones rest
Carrying seeds and burying deep-
And I realized that,
Its not because we want our loved ones to have flowers
Have already transformed
And are free
But its because in those places,
Where there is no life,
Seeing the blossoming of new life,
Reminds us
That the Creator plants seeds of hope
Even in places of death,
Because in the end,
The Creator God loves us,
And wants US
To be renewed
Thanks Be to God.