Opposite Ends: Two Pastors in Unlikely Spaces Fighting for Justice-A Podcast
One of my new projects peeps! So much has been happening AND I need to massively update this blog so here we go!
“Womanist is to feminist, as purple is to lavender.” Alice Walker spoke of the strength and the importance of Women, especially Women of Culture/Language and yes, even sexuality. These shades are vibrant and empowering just as in these times of global pandemic, injustice with regards to civil and human rights, it is the Women, who are leading the charge towards transformative change and liberation. Setting the stage then begins in the communities that we are called to serve, whether it’s empowering or educating. What happens when two pastors land in different spaces working towards the same goal?
Join Miranda and Kwame, two Pastors serving in WNY here on this brand new podcast “Opposite Ends: Two Pastors in Unlikely Spaces Fighting for justice”, coming to you this August 2020