Mary Knew, Ya’ll: The Power of Motherhood! An Advent Sermon
Grace and Peace to you,
My sisters,
Singing is not just
For proclaiming
The love we exude
For the love we receive
In return
From the Creator God.
But singing
With one voice
With one collective voice
Proclaims to the emptiness,
An emptiness that masks as bleakness
Trying to distort darkness
Which was created as a comfort,
And peace
Enfolded as night,
So that our weary beings
Our spirits
Can rest
This intruder
Which sometimes tries to pollute the Light,
This Light,
That concrete reminder
That the Creator God,
And God’s Presence,
Of Being,
So the rising of our SONG
Proclaims the Glory that
Can separate us
From the loving arms
Of the One,
Who loved us so much,
Made sure that we experienced that love
Just as Jesus had,
Through the body,
Cradle in the arms
What is your fondest memory,
Of your mother
Or that mother figure
Or Grandmother, Aunt
Someone who was like a mother,
Who refused to allow a system,
To defeat
Or malign
Our personhood,
Or a mother,
Who just wanted to make sure,
We were safe?
This story is rather humorous,
But it involves my high school sophomore self,
And a homecoming dance
Kenwood Academy,
Decided instead of us merely having a dance in the gym
Rented out a local downtown dance club
Just for us students.
So after the game, we all gathered to experience a club
For the first time.
And as most dances, unfortunately
With this new atmosphere,
Adding in a bunch of teenagers,
Chaos erupted.
So the dance ended abruptly,
And I called Mother,
To come and get me.
The police and security were all around-
Giving instructions that if you left the club
You couldn’t enter back in,
So I had to time it to when I thought she’d be outside
Waiting in semi-darkness,
And waiting out the dying pandemonium,
Was already difficult
But to my horror
One of my friends came up laughing
“I think your Mother is at the door, trying to harass a cop!”
I ran to the entrance.
There, was my mother.
Hands on hips
Staring upwards in all defiance
At a cop that had to be 6’3,
At my mother who was speaking loudly,
Proclaiming all types of things,
Asserting her own self
And her own authority
In protecting that which was number one-
Her daughter.
But my 15-year-old self just saw my mother being weird,
And my fellow classmates seeing this all unfold
And I was embarrassed
That memory frozen in my mind
Of my Mother,
Willing to do whatever it took,
Is the same scene,
That plays out for women everywhere
Of mothers especially
Doing whatever it takes
To defend those that they loved,
And are invested in,
And shielding those things that can be vulnerable.
who march in the streets,
Willing to put their bodies on the line,
So that their children,
And so many others
Would not be victims
To senseless violence and cruelty.
Who will stand in front of guns
Confront those,
Who use the bodies of their sisters, and brothers and siblings
For their gain
Who refuse to see the bodies of those in the community,
Struggling under the weight of trying to survive,
dying for a cure
That will emerge from grieve and pain,
Just as Trayvon Martin’s mother has done,
Giving through her foundation
Or Michael Brown’s mother as well,
Engaging in the public system in Fergusion
Beating the system at their own game
By running for office,
By displacing and disrupting inequality
And planting and replacing it,
With stability.
I have seen it in women,
Like my dear friend Tanya,
Who serves as the E.D. for our friends at SOUL
She wants real CHANGE
Not just for herself,
But especially for her own daughter,
And children
Like her.
When they hear our song of courage,
And strength,
When they see us fighting
Reclaiming our time,
Regaining our humanity
They understand then,
The change born
In the hands
There are pictures around this sanctuary,
Images that should be the norm,
Of Mary
And of the One,
Whose coming we celebrate with song
And in whose Birth
Was in defiance
To everything tainted
By the sins
And the evil
Perpetuated by the Empire
Who thought they could manipulate
Through word
And deed
Intermixed with these images
Of Mary
And of Jesus
There are photos
Of women
Whose voices,
Whose presence
Are in defiance
Of a system
Which refuses
To recognize
The humanity of those
Who because they refuse to participate
In acts against their fellow siblings in Faith and of Hope
All in the name
Of progress
Which really equals greed
of acquiring things
Or the commodification of bodies
translating into assets
And this battle,
For liberation
And for equity
This battle,
For the voices of the lowly
Of Women
To be recognized as a force
To be reckoned with
Still continues
As if nothing has changed
As if humanity continues this assault,
Upon those,
Who are fighting
Still today,
As in Jesus’s time
When the Empire
Had occupied
And exploited the people
Their resources
Drained their bodies of strength
And robbed, destroying their lands
Not much has changed
The Empire identified now as
the governmental structures
the legislative bodies
encroaching everywhere
oppressing everywhere
the sacred bodies,
of people
who have been forced to choose,
what side of the line they are on
whether they want to have access to economic wealth
and a false status
or be tossed outside the gates
and forgotten
like everyone else,
This has seeped into our theological,
And biblical
Because the Empire’s influences
Remain fast
Feeding the academy,
That force feeds to us
The false narrative that Jesus’s birth
Was only about defeating the devil-
The real enemy
And defeating our sinful selves
That we are so beyond any redemption
And that we were born
With a corruptive mindset,
All thanks to Eve,
By the way.
That nothing in the presence of Jesus,
Had anything to do with the political structure
Of the Roman Empire
At the time,
Has nothing to do
With an Administration
Who is trying its best
To destroy all our rights,
To belittle us
To use us,
As nothing more as fodder
To advance their agenda.
Anyone proclaiming’
That God,
That Jesus
Stands with the oppressed
Should be disregarded
That we should not
As Christians
As followers of Christ,
Call them out
For their part
Their implementation
Of a systemic
In our lives,
Until we are exhausted
And we can’t breathe.
This is why,
Mary’s song
Is so important,
Because I think people have this misconception
That Mary was so submissive
And meek,
Do we hear
What she is saying?
“The Creator has shown strength with God’s arm;
God, has brought down the powerful from their thrones,
Those who thought that this power was theirs,
By right
Through violence
Through force
And through
and lifted up the lowly,
the Women,
the Creator God has filled the hungry,
and the homeless
and the forgotten
with life sustaining,
life giving
good things
and sent the rich away,
with empty coffers”
Mary knew,
Through her,
Other Women would see,
That they too,
Could be a model for resistance.
In a society that routinely belittles
The significance of women,
That the Creator would also not only speak,
But mobilize them forward
She was Blessed-
She was carrying the One,
Whose birth brings us together,
Who gives us hope
That God has not abandoned us.
Jesus’s BIRTH,
Was the answer
To their prayers,
To our prayers
That God not forget us
That God send a way to save us
That God speaks to us,
That regardless of what we do,
We are still counted as God’s
And YES,
Mary was exhilarated in this knowledge
That GOD would pick HER
To proclaim this Good News
But She also was an example,
About what strength lies in
Those that we discount,
That we write off,
Women who like Mary,
Like Hagar, Esther,
The unnamed Mothers who were not ashamed in fighting for life
Like Harriet, who fought for a Nation
Like so many others lifted up on this wall,
And lifted up in our hearts.
Our souls are SHINING
Because the Creator has PICKED US
To proclaim.
We have power,
That comes through the Holy Spirit
Because of the presence of Jesus Christ
Because of the Love of the One,
Who birthed us into existence, lovingly.
My own children sometimes become nervous,
When a protest or march or demonstration is upcoming,
Because they know I will be actively participating
But I don’t do this,
For myself.
The Creator gave me a gift,
Just as all women who are a part of motherhood
Whether through birth, fostering or adoption
It is because of that gift,
How could any of us
Keep from singing
And fighting
And being
Those powerful Women,
People of God,
The responsibility of doing
Living out faith,
So that what the Creator deemed for all
Comes to fruition
Thanks Be to God