Holy Trinity, but the Spirit still moves…and is dominant…and makes us uncomfortable, and yet joyous!

Trybal Pastor
8 min readMay 28, 2018


The congregation will experience at both services, an interactive Sermon because for us to understand the Word, we must experience the Word. Therefore, imagining a line from the altar all the way to the back wall; closest to the table would be the beginning of our timeline (our birth, our consciousness and first time we were exposed to the faith of our families) to the end of our timeline which would be the present moment of today. I encourage movement for people to place themselves on that timeline as I ask these three questions:

1. Where, along your life’s journey, did you fall in love with God, with Jesus or with your faith?

2. When did you experience the moment where you questioned your faith, or got angry and frustrated with the Creator God or even wrestled with the idea of walking away from your faith because things such as the conception of Grace, or Freedom or manifestations like the Holy Trinity made no sense or impacted little in the face of systemic oppression that seemingly the Church was co-opting or co-signing onto

3. Where have you either found new meaning, new fires along your faith journey or where has the Holy Trinity, because of your struggles and triumphs along your faith journey, taken on new meaning to bring about healing of oneself, of those you love or pushing against the violence upon broken and Sacred Bodies?

4. What one word, one emotion or even one food or color could sum up these questions for you right now?

After all has been shared, invite the congregation to sit back in the pews, and take a moment of meditation and prayer.


Grace and peace to you,

My sisters, brothers and siblings in Christ

As we wrestle with this presence

Of the Triune God

And how complicated the Blessed Trinity

Is not just an abstract meaning in our chaotic life,

But how its presence can fuel into action

About how we are called, to live out our witness and testimony

Because we not only remember our Risen Lord,

Jesus Christ

We also follow Him,

To do

Fueled by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit

In our wake,

Because of the Love unending

From the Creator,




I know this is Holy Trinity Sunday,

This is usually the Sunday where we uplift this image

This concept

Of what all this means,

Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier

But it seems She, the Holy Spirit

Continues to take center stage

As if She refuses to release Her grip

That She hovers overhead as a Phoenix

Overwhelming us with Her presence

Coming so dangerously close

Sending us into chaos-

Where we are emboldened


Shouting and sharing

About the Good News

About what God has done for us!



As people of faith

Suffer greatly

From memory loss

OR maybe its perhaps,

The lessons and the meanings of what these liturgical seasons

Really mean

As markers along our spiritual journey

Disturb us.

We treat them,

As another to do list

So when seemingly the season of Pentecost wanes

And like clockwork, we shift so easily into ordinary time,

What of those embers that perhaps remain?

Or do we find Pentecost continually burn within us?

So much so that we just can’t shut up testifying

To not only share the Good News of Jesus Christ

But how the Gospel’s presence, impacts this world?

I can only speak from where I stand,

The complexity of where I feel that the Triune God is pulling me

To be immerse and challenge, that which we consider ministry

And in what places,

I should be immersed.


Many of us too, may have this experience

Where we can’t sit still;

That fire is shut up in our bones

That when we witness





We are overwhelmed


“Here I am, send me!”


Do we claim then, the responsibility?

Do we acknowledge the bond that flows from She,

The Holy Spirit

Because of the reasons the Creator sends us out

Into that same wilderness

That God sent the Risen one,

Is because there is a lack of

Truth Telling.


While I was a captive audience

On the 8th floor

Of the University of Chicago’s Center for Care and Discovery,

Cementing my health status,

As yes,

Having epilepsy

I saw my Facebook feed overflow,

With Words

With testimony

From the Festival of Homiletics

I was surprised because in years past,

Who they had invited

Would not be people

Who would understand how the Word impacted the struggle

Of communities and bodies ignored


Fill my soul

But with Elders such as

Samuel Cruz from Union Seminary

Bishop Yvette Flunder from City of Refuge, UCC

And Rev. Otis Moss from Trinity UCC

They were feeding those who were present



“There are church institutions

that have cracks in them

because they were not ready when change came.”


“To what degree

Are we defending things,

By custom or tradition,

That we no longer believe?”


“The church in its recent days,

Has abdicated its moral responsibility

To get to work

And stop gazing.”


“In order to prepare for an authentic encounter with another

we acknowledge our own sinfulness

and approach out of our own confession and conversion”


“We must hug (the poor) so deeply

that they still feel God’s love when we let go.”


“To say Jesus had no interest with politics

is to say Jesus had no interest with common people.”




There’s been a lot of vulnerability that has erupted

because perhaps there is a paradigm shift.


maybe perhaps the



and oppression

that many of humanity

have experienced in our lifetime.

Or even,

because we realize of the responsibility

that our Ancestors have placed upon us

and we can no longer afford to shrug it off,

expecting someone else to pick it up.

We realize that what the Risen Christ said to us

about “loving one’s neighbor”

means beyond the surface;

it means going deeper

and actually,

making an effort to put our bodies physically on the line

for those as advocates, allies and co-conspirators.

In other words, if we cannot see ourselves immersed

Into the ethos and the rhythm of community

that we work tirelessly to strive for that community

who has been invisible, visible

then, what are we doing?

Why are we even bothering?

How can we continue to spout things as the Holy Trinity,

If we are not living and doing,

And manifesting what that means?


In other words, if we come into these sacred spaces

expecting the same rigamarole

and become irritated because something in Scriptures

or someone sobbing during a prayer,

or someone that cannot contain the fire shut up in their bones

and is shouting for joy

and agitating the people towards working against inequality and injustice,

is bothering you and your comfortability?

The ugly truth is,


we are nothing more

than dry bones


What do we hear in Isaiah,

When the prophet cries out,

“Here I am,

Send me?”


Truth Telling.

I mean seriously,

What is this whole identity

What does the Holy Trinity

Even mean for us



Why are we under the false assumption

That the experience here in Isaiah,

Or in Acts

Is a onetime thing?

That what is sung in the Psalms,

Is impassioned?

That the Word doesn’t disturb the stillness in our spirit?


Here I am,



Is this not a manifestation,

Of a part of the Holy Trinity?

Of She,

The Holy Spirit

Whom we routinely


“Who shall I Send?”

We treat this as a metaphor,

Instead of a calling

A Commandment


What does the Holy Spirit,


Mean to you?

What is your experience when She comes?

Or do you try to stuff Her down

Because being possessed,

By She

By the Spirit

By Ancient Spirits

By Ancestral Spirits

By the most Ancient Cosmos

Means you encounter the Creator

Means that suddenly you have no control

That you then see everyone else gathered with you

Whether they are:





African Descent

First Peoples

Sex Workers








no matter how we communicate

it is through the Holy Spirit,

that we realize how much we are human

and how much we are bonded to the Creator God,

because of the love of the Risen Christ

Truth Telling.


We’ve forgotten the fires of Pentecost behind us

We subject Pentecost to one day,

And then completely miss the Word

When we acknowledge,

This Holy Trinity

In our lives.


Pentecost then,

Is regulated

To this liturgical holiday,

Just as the Holy Trinity,

Is the day we acknowledge the 3-in-1

In our lives,

Stuff it back in the box,

And move on.


Truth telling


We refuse to allow the Word,

The Water

The Spirit

To move us

That for some Christian traditions,

we frown on self-expression

and lean toward controlling how we worship.

We even question theologically this idea

of the entrance of the Holy Spirit


For us

into us,

as we experience a holy possession

because sometimes it is through that possession,

we find the power to move us into action.


Action to challenge the policies

and legislations

that attempt to destroy places in Creation

for the sake of capitalism

or against the eradication of a people

because of religious racism

or to voice the sins of white supremacy

or violence against bodies

who have been pushed into poverty and hunger further.


​My beloved Sister, Tuhina

Spoke truth

When she said “You cannot have love without justice.”


You cannot have the Creator,

Without the Risen Savior

Without the Holy Spirit

(the rest of my message was moved and led, by the Holy Spirit)

Thanks Be to God.



Trybal Pastor
Trybal Pastor

Written by Trybal Pastor

Child of Creator=Purpose; Guided by Ancestors = Revolution; Empowered by Holy Spirit = Transformation; Liberated through Ancient Spirituality and Ritual =Love.

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