A Requiem for Oscaria; Sermon on Finding Rest
This is one of many difficult sermons I have had to write..
Grace and Peace to you,
My sisters and brothers in Christ
The only Good News
In times of darkness and sorrow
That is comforting
Is that regardless how we struggle
With our faith,
With our questions
And Jesus Christ,
Will be there
When the pain is too great,
And we need to lay our burdens down.
“A voice is heard in Ramah,
lamentation and bitter weeping.
Rachel is weeping for her children;
she refuses to be comforted for her children,
because they are no more.”
How many times have we heard this verse?
How many times have we shifted it to metaphor?
That is all that I could think of,
Sitting with and trying to comfort my cousin,
Because her daughter was no more.
And all I could do was question,
The only comfort that stands,
Was embedded in the answer I already knew
That in those moments of darkness,
Pain and hurt that I cannot even fathom,
Anyone going through,
That Jesus Christ,
Called out to Osciara-
“Come to me,
you that are weary
who are carrying heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest.”
I had spotted these words
Written by Rev. Traci Blackmon,
A couple of days prior,
To the world coming to a complete halt for myself
And my family,
Thursday afternoon.
Rev. Blackmon shared on Facebook these words-
I wonder if I am the only one that sometimes wrestles with God.
(I think we, especially as pastoral leaders,
Already with this public perception
that we are perfectly rooted in our faith
and yet we do wrestle with God,
especially in our limited understanding sometimes
about what truly God’s grace and salvation means,
for ALL)
I wonder if I am the only one that doesn’t live every day feeling victorious.
(Especially in those moments,
When everything we thought we have perfectly plotted out,
Following God’s words
Falls apart
And we feel like failures)
I wonder if I am the only one that is incapable of overcoming deep hurt and loss with a few affirmations.
(Because we just don’t want to have to be confronted with this ugliness)
I wonder if I am the only one who wonders if perhaps my faith has failed.
…and then I remember why I still cry. Why I still mourn. Why I still declare that sometimes. In spite of Jesus. Life still sucks.
How could I even rest in God,
When I found myself,
How could any of us, in our family
Even begin to cast our burdens upon Jesus,
When all we were feeling was
And we feel the need to do something,
to make things right?
How can we even believe
That Jesus’s words here
In Matthew,
Hold any weight
Or have any impact in our lives,
Especially when it seems
That humanity does not live into the promise
And the commandment
And the purpose,
Of what the Creator calls us into?
“Come to me,
All you that are weary,
And are carrying burdens,
And I will give you,
Originally I wanted to acknowledge,
That it is hard to breathe,
In moments of chaos,
And subsequently I wanted to explore
As sisters and brothers in Christ
That when these questions surface,
What tools do we engage,
That help us
Put down our burdens,
Because the Good News is,
Jesus has no problem,
Taking those burdens,
Those worries
Away from us
I wonder,
If John the Baptist,
Ever heard these words from Jesus,
Locked away
Merely because he spoke truth,
Merely because there were those,
Who condemned him,
Because he did not conform
To their ideal
Of a prophet.
I wonder,
How those
Freedom Fighters,
Names known and unknown
Possibly leaned on this verse,
On Jesus’s words
When they were ostracized
For lifting their voices,
For living out their faith
For following the Holy Spirit,
More so now,
Than perhaps ever,
To do for the least of these,
To do random acts of kindness,
As we heard in Jesus’s words
In Matthew
Last week,
“whoever gives even a cup of cold water,”
There is so much pain,
In our world
We know so easily
And can point out,
Where it seems so many communities’ hearts,
Are collectively broken.
There are so many places,
Where our presence
As God’s hands,
And feet
And voice
Is sorely needed:
In hospital rooms
And by hospice bedsides
On the streets fighting
For justice and for peace
Inside the prisons
Working towards redemption
There are empty rooms,
Where the absence of the Good News
Of Jesus Christ
Because for our fellow sisters and brothers in Christ,
They feel as if God is distant
Has abandoned them
Because the only thing filling these dwelling spaces,
Is hatred
And malice
That is woven
Into the fabric
Of our existence.
We cannot stop,
The world needs to be saved,
There’s too much going on
There’s people dying,
And we question WHY
Why are these burdens seemingly
Stacked on our very being?
Why won’t you stop this,
Why can’t you end this,
Why won’t you make your presence known,
So this communal pain
Will end?
And we decide that God is being distant
And removed from humanity
And we have to do all this work,
Because we can’t watch our loved ones
And wither away.
But, beloved
We can’t!
We come to the realization
That we can’t do for everyone
We don’t have the solution
Or the answers,
We can’t even look to the Bible,
Because we even find ourselves questioning Jesus!
“Come to me,
All you who are weary,”
It is that simple,
The Good News is
That simple,
In those moments when we find our hands scratched
Our feet sore,
Our voices horse
And our spirits, broken
Because we just do not understand,
This is when Jesus Christ,
Our Risen Savior and Lord,
Comes in our midst,
In ways we would have never figured
And says,
“Take my yoke,
My teaching,
My peace,
My grace
Upon you,
And learn from me,
For I am gentle
And humble
In heart,
Especially when ours
Are crushed
And you will find REST
For your souls.”
The burden,
That weighs upon me,
Is how do I find justice,
For a beautiful 19 year old,
Who the darkness in humanity lashed out
and consumed her,
Until she couldn’t breathe
What do I do?
My family is hurting
I am hurting
I am angry,
And I hear Jesus,
Telling me through the voices of dear friends,
That I have to rest,
Because the Good News is,
When Osciara could not bear the pain anymore,
When we, cannot bear the pain anymore
Jesus is always there
Telling us,
Telling her
“Come unto me,
You, beloved
Who are so weary,
And I,
Give you
Thanks Be to God